First Project installment: Crochet

Hey there 👋🏾,

This is just an update on my current trials with crochet.  

Let me start by telling you a life story. 

Well, I’m a knitter, to be more exact I am a stress knitter. It’s a habit I developed back when I was in college. I would literally be knitting like everywhere, buses, benches, trains, in class while procrastinating on a project.

But one day my friend came to me and introduced me to crochet.

I think I did a few mini squares but then I stopped for a very long while. And now I am starting again.

Story over. 😂

So this is what i managed to do in a week, while watching Inyasha.

 Project 1: Single crochet square for a patchwork blanket. My very first project in a while and it went as followed: I had to redo the project about 3 or 4 times because of:

  • I was struggling with tension, some areas were to lose while other areas were too tight 😉.
  • Somehow on one of my tries I managed to do an increase creating a ladder on one side of my work. 😫
  • On my final try, my chain to start the project was misshapen because the yarn strands kinda started splitting. 

But I did. Kinda.

Project 2: crochet in the round. You know something, I did not know how much counting would be involved with crochet because I swear I must have lost count so many times while doing this project 😂 and I also still struggled again with this chaining style. But look on the bright side I learned how to double crochet.

 Project 3: crochet ball. I swear to (insert god or goddess here) I need to relearn my maths because I can’t count, plus the stress of the poor internet connection causing the video to freeze and black out for a whole section. Then to add insult to injury i misheard a part of the instruction. I’m pretty sure I made a mistake somewhere but I honestly don’t know. 

Nonetheless I did it in the end, that was stressful. 

The next two projects are gonna be a plushie bunny and maybe a bralette. Wish me luck…

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