Random Thought about season 4 finale

rick and morty season 4 episode 10

Is Rick Sachez a bad parent? 

In the grand scheme of things, Yes, but in the season finale of season 4, No.

Let’s paint a picture, after being called out on his sh*t by his family rick is left alone rewatching the memory of the aftermath of season 3 episode 9 called β€œThe ABC’s of Beth”, where he offers Beth a chance to be free and explore the universe and leave behind a clone to stay with her family. At the end of that sequence of events, rather than make her own decision, she pawns it off on her father to make for her. 

So he did what he thought would be best for her.  Then he Russian rouletted his daughter and her clone.

That line near the end of the episode keeps ringing in my ear quote β€˜ holy sh*t I am a terrible father”, but at that moment and for this decision, he wasn’t. It felt like a healthy conclusion for both him and beth. I can’t wait to see what happens next after this with rick’s depression and loneliness getting worst.

I also loved the composition of these scenes from the music, script, choices of camera placement and movement for emphasis plus the subtle acting.

Check out this mash-up below.

Bunny Plushie

My first crochet amigurumi bunny using this tutorial.

Well, I thought it was going well but I guess not. I think I lost track of how many chains or stitches there were, seems to be a common thing for me πŸ˜“ because I am not sure how this went so wrong. I think this pattern may be a bit too hard for my current skill level but I must say it was a good try πŸ˜„.

This pattern called for the use of a magic circle, which is my first time doing it. I did it so many times and ended up making multiple slip knots, even so, I managed to get there in the end.

After kinda getting the hang of the magic circle, I ended up noticing that I had made some mistakes when moving onto the next step of the project. The body of the doll was too small, and the head seemed to be misshapen. Then I ended up creating 3 versions of the doll’s legs as one of the legs was too small. Another thing that stuck out to me was the large gaps in my work.

I am still unsure of what caused this but hopefully I will find the answer. Nevertheless, I have decided to pause this project and find a simple one to practice with.

First Project installment: Crochet

Hey there πŸ‘‹πŸΎ,

This is just an update on my current trials with crochet.  

Let me start by telling you a life story. 

Well, I’m a knitter, to be more exact I am a stress knitter. It’s a habit I developed back when I was in college. I would literally be knitting like everywhere, buses, benches, trains, in class while procrastinating on a project.

But one day my friend came to me and introduced me to crochet.

I think I did a few mini squares but then I stopped for a very long while. And now I am starting again.

Story over. πŸ˜‚

So this is what i managed to do in a week, while watching Inyasha.

 Project 1: Single crochet square for a patchwork blanket. My very first project in a while and it went as followed: I had to redo the project about 3 or 4 times because of:

  • I was struggling with tension, some areas were to lose while other areas were too tight πŸ˜‰.
  • Somehow on one of my tries I managed to do an increase creating a ladder on one side of my work. 😫
  • On my final try, my chain to start the project was misshapen because the yarn strands kinda started splitting. 

But I did. Kinda.

Project 2: crochet in the round. You know something, I did not know how much counting would be involved with crochet because I swear I must have lost count so many times while doing this project πŸ˜‚ and I also still struggled again with this chaining style. But look on the bright side I learned how to double crochet.

 Project 3: crochet ball. I swear to (insert god or goddess here) I need to relearn my maths because I can’t count, plus the stress of the poor internet connection causing the video to freeze and black out for a whole section. Then to add insult to injury i misheard a part of the instruction. I’m pretty sure I made a mistake somewhere but I honestly don’t know. 

Nonetheless I did it in the end, that was stressful. 

The next two projects are gonna be a plushie bunny and maybe a bralette. Wish me luck…

Transitioning my blog :)

A massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and the last piece of coursework has been completed and handed in. Now my break can begin. But before I take that break, I will be changing the direction of this blog from university work to personal work. I would like to track my personal hobbies. I no longer want to pursue a career in animation as a professional but as a hobbyist instead.Β 

After taking some time to reflect i found myself lost with a long list things i want to do. However, there was always some kind of blockades stopping me from achieving these goals. Whether it was me having self-doubt or mental health issues, university projects or just not having the time, there was always an obstacle.

But now I have the time.

Since this blog will no longer be focused on just animation and will be exploreing my hobbies as well as other skills set. I can finally relax and enjoy the journey.

I am hoping to post weekly, my process in some of the projects I am currently working on.

Thanks for coming…

I will see you in the next post.