Transitioning my blog :)

A massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and the last piece of coursework has been completed and handed in. Now my break can begin. But before I take that break, I will be changing the direction of this blog from university work to personal work. I would like to track my personal hobbies. I no longer want to pursue a career in animation as a professional but as a hobbyist instead. 

After taking some time to reflect i found myself lost with a long list things i want to do. However, there was always some kind of blockades stopping me from achieving these goals. Whether it was me having self-doubt or mental health issues, university projects or just not having the time, there was always an obstacle.

But now I have the time.

Since this blog will no longer be focused on just animation and will be exploreing my hobbies as well as other skills set. I can finally relax and enjoy the journey.

I am hoping to post weekly, my process in some of the projects I am currently working on.

Thanks for coming…

I will see you in the next post.

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